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Prospect The Sandler Way

Thirty core principles for mastering stress-free lead development

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A sale is still an interaction and decision-making process between people

While Prospect The Sandler Way incorporates the latest technology for prospecting processes, it also reminds sales professionals that sales success is determined by our own attitudes, behaviors and techniques. “No advancing in technology will ever replace the value of a solid voice-to-voice discussion with a prospect.” says author John Rosso.

John Rosso

About the Author

John Rosso is a recognized business development expert in the Sandler organization, specializing in executive sales consulting and sales productivity training. He is a dynamic, enthusiastic speaker who informs, entertains and motivates presidents, CEOs, other senior managers and sales professionals.

John joined the Sandler organization in 1994, when he founded Peak Performance Management, Inc., an authorized Sandler Training® center in Pittsburgh, PA.

His track record speaks for itself, as John has helped thousands of executives, managers and sales professionals triumph over the challenges that inhibit their success and take their sales to the next level.

Prospect The Sandler Way addresses the need to transform the following:


    A salesperson’s mindset and confidence level towards selling.


    The daily accountabilities and activities that lead to success.


    The things that should be said or done at each individual step of the sales process to produce a positive outcome.

It all starts with a prospect...

Author and Sandler trainer John Rosso discusses his latest book, Prospect The Sandler Way.

The book shares thirty core principles for mastering stress-free lead development by phone and over the Internet, in accordance with the Sandler Selling Methodology. Includes strategies on 21st century topics like conducting effective on-line pre-call research, and using LinkedIn to generate referrals.

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